

Meet Jane Colden, the 18th century botanist snubbed by Linnaeus

A barrier-breaking scientist with no formal training, she has been repeatedly left out of science history

Need to determine the sex of a walrus? Try looking at their jaws

To save time in the field, researchers develop a new method for sorting walruses

#BlackBirdersWeek highlights Black nature enthusiasts and scientists

The social media campaign was prompted in part by Christian Cooper's experience in Central Park

Meet Alice Wilson, the Canadian geologist who did the work of five people

She wasn't allowed to work at remote field sites, so she became the expert in her local rocks and fossils

The thrill of fieldwork

I've learned to love caves for both the awesome science they allow me to do, and their beauty

Julien Millet / Unsplash

Volcanoes can kill thousands. We should pay closer attention to the moving earth beneath us

Boiling clouds of ash and gas, moving 100 mph, pose a greater threat than lava, yet the world lacks volcano safety standards

Why fieldwork is still crucial for science research

There are some things it's impossible to discern without ground truthing

Tree-murdering fungi and insects increasingly contribute to climate change

New research suggests carbon dioxide released from dying forests equals emissions from 11 million cars

fotobunt / Flickr

I crush stalagmites from protected caves. What can I do to give back?

Scientists should do more with the communities where they work, a cave researcher writes

Tiny computers are transforming weather data collection

Sometimes my job is to fly sensors on kites – for science

How fieldwork on a remote, tiny island taught me to navigate family dinners

Doing science far away helped this ecologist talk to those close to home