

Giant clams are growing faster than ever. That's not a good thing

This supercharged growth is likely due to nitrate aerosols in our modern atmosphere

T. rex walked as slowly as a human, and may have used its tail as a suspension system

In prehistoric times, you could have strolled down the street and chatted with your friendly neighborhood T. rex without even breaking a sweat

Did humans ever hibernate to survive harsh winters?

Fossil evidence from Spain suggests early humans may have hibernated for up to four months at a time

Didier Descouens, Wikimedia Commons

This extinct reptile was a righty, research shows

Like toads and cats, Captorhinus aguti seems to prefer its right side when munching

Neanderthals braided their own string

A 40,000 year old cord made of plant fiber provides unprecedented insight into our extinct relatives

Did a mass extinction help dinosaurs dominate the Earth?

These fossil hunters want to solve the mystery

How did our ancestors start walking upright?

A newly discovered species of ancient ape could shed light on the origins of human bipedalism

Unexpected gorilla snacking behaviors make scientists question what we know about early humans

Gorillas' eating habits don't match their tooth specializations, raising questions about determining early human diets from fossil records

Ancient plankton have climate data hidden in their shells

Scientists have discovered a new way to use single-celled plankton to estimate large-scale changes in ocean chemistry

The history of humanity is written across your smile

'The Tales Teeth Tell' traces the evolution of our teeth into "oral Swiss army knives"

What can ancient dog poop reveal about an ecosystem?

The poo fossils of a long-extinct species are teaching scientists about nature's past – and possible future