

Serendipitous data reveals a previously unknown ecosystem under Arctic ice

Fish gas bladders interfere with sonar, and we can use that interference to study Arctic fish stocks

How a tiny pet store fish became the center of neuroscience research

The tropical zebrafish is used extensively in genetics, neuroscience, and development labs worldwide

Animals and their DNA move through the environment in different ways

Sampling a lake at different times of year and at different depths found fish DNA distributes in unexpected ways

Choosing which anemone species to call home has dramatic consequences for young clownfish

New research details why clownfish living in different types of anemones develop stripes at different times

Artificial light at night is dangerous for coral reef fish

A new study examined the effects of light pollution on juvenile orange-fin anemonefish

Ocean heatwaves like "The Blob" cause lasting damage to marine ecosystems

Recent research details The Blob's effects on the Alaska pollock fishery

Summits of underwater mountains are prime real estate for fish

Seamounts in Papua New Guinea have nearly twice the biodiversity as nearby shallow reefs

Fish need to socialize for their brains to develop

Zebrafish held in isolation show social avoidance behavior that other fish don't

Eastern snapping turtles use culverts to hunt migratory herring

Culverts allow fish to move through human-dominated habitats, but they also serve up dinner for clever predators

Fish in Charleston, SC are eating microplastic fibers

Our oceans and coastal ecosystems are filled with tiny plastics, which is bad news for aquatic life

Cod ears contain a long history of warming in the Atlantic Ocean

Bones in fish ears have recorded evidence of a trend that could mean trouble for fish

What's really in your salmon? These scientists found out

Nutritional information isn't required on seafood packaging in North America

Albatrosses can spy on illegal fishing in international waters

But could satellite-tagging further endanger these seabirds?