
early humans

How the pelvis, and not bipedalism, gave humans their narrow hips

The anatomy of our pelvis is a result of an evolutionary trade-off, but perhaps it's not the one we thought

This ancient child burial is the world's oldest, dating back 80,000 years

The burial site adds to the history of humankind's symbolic commemoration of the dead

Neandertals don't deserve their bad, dim-witted reputation

Our hominin ancestor had bigger brains and probably went extinct with climate change. Who are we to judge?

DNA from a mummified bishop's lungs shows tuberculosis infected humans only recently

New research resolves a scientific debate about when tuberculosis became established in humans

Neanderthals braided their own string

A 40,000 year old cord made of plant fiber provides unprecedented insight into our extinct relatives

Unexpected gorilla snacking behaviors make scientists question what we know about early humans

Gorillas' eating habits don't match their tooth specializations, raising questions about determining early human diets from fossil records

Scientists tried to make knives out of frozen human poop

They wondered: is it possible to cut animal hides with a human feces blade?

Cats are like tiny, judgmental camels

Hailing from the desert, cats sneer in the face of heatwaves

The history of humanity is written across your smile

'The Tales Teeth Tell' traces the evolution of our teeth into "oral Swiss army knives"