I am an evolutionary anthropology PhD student at Duke University. My work on human evolution focuses on Homo naledi, a mysterious extinct human relative found in South Africa.

This ancient child burial is the world's oldest, dating back 80,000 years

The burial site adds to the history of humankind's symbolic commemoration of the dead

A decoy may be the key to developing a vaccine against a deadly bioweapon

New research shows how Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus attaches to cells, paving the way for a vaccine

The mysterious cause of sea star wasting syndrome is a mystery no more

Sea stars suffer when microorganisms living on them suck up too much oxygen from the water

DNA from a mummified bishop's lungs shows tuberculosis infected humans only recently

New research resolves a scientific debate about when tuberculosis became established in humans

Neanderthals braided their own string

A 40,000 year old cord made of plant fiber provides unprecedented insight into our extinct relatives