

Songbirds might hold the key to managing our cholesterol levels

Songbirds have lost "bad" cholesterol and some of its associated proteins over time. This makes for plaque-free finch arteries and a hale and healthy heart

Wild Goffin's cockatoos can use tools, too

Scientists have observed captive cockatoos making tools before, but this is the first documented instance of tool use in wild cockatoos

Declining populations mean young birds have no one to learn their songs from

Young male Regent honeyeaters are picking up sounds from other bird species

A smelly paste tricks invasive predators into leaving native birds alone

This study reveals a cheap, new method of protecting endangered species in New Zealand

Ozone in the air is bad for birds

Regulations addressing air pollution have prevented the deaths of 1.5 billion birds over the past 40 years

How do geese know how to fly south for the winter?

A combination of landscapes, stars, and experience guide the geese & gander migrations

Evolution doesn't work the way you think it does

An evolutionary biologist explains all the things you might get into an argument over

Brood parasites are quite picky about who they offload their kids on, depending on the climate

Climate patterns may have driven parental decision-making for birds that lay their eggs in other species' nests

Golden-collared manakins change choreography when the environment shifts

These bright yellow birds have elaborate courtship dances. Can they learn to do them differently?

Produced in partnership with Science Friday

How did birds become birds? An interview with Jingmai O'Connor

The paleontologist and soon-to-be curator at the Field Museum on excavations, being a party animal, and imposter syndrome

Why do some islands have more species than others?

New research on island birds confirms key aspects of a 60-year-old theory