

This ancient child burial is the world's oldest, dating back 80,000 years

The burial site adds to the history of humankind's symbolic commemoration of the dead

T. rex walked as slowly as a human, and may have used its tail as a suspension system

In prehistoric times, you could have strolled down the street and chatted with your friendly neighborhood T. rex without even breaking a sweat

Women hunters have a long history in the Americas

New findings from a 9,000-year-old burial site in southern Peru drive this point home

Lactose tolerance spread through Europe faster than previously thought

A new study traces the prevalence of a lactose-tolerance mutation through genetic analysis of Bronze Age bones

Didier Descouens, Wikimedia Commons

This extinct reptile was a righty, research shows

Like toads and cats, Captorhinus aguti seems to prefer its right side when munching

Why did ancient cats begin hanging around humans?

New research suggests they had a taste for the rodents we attracted

Neanderthals braided their own string

A 40,000 year old cord made of plant fiber provides unprecedented insight into our extinct relatives

Did a mass extinction help dinosaurs dominate the Earth?

These fossil hunters want to solve the mystery

A dog chewing on the end of a very large bone, from an ostrich.

"Skeleton Keys" reveals the secrets hidden inside your bones

Brian Switek's book breathes new life into our understanding of old bones