Hi! I'm Darcy Shapiro, a recent PhD in evolutionary anthropology from Rutgers University. I study the internal structure of the hip bones of primates, to try to figure out how fossil primates and our early hominid relatives climbed, walked, ran, scrambled, swung, and leaped around.

How the pelvis, and not bipedalism, gave humans their narrow hips

The anatomy of our pelvis is a result of an evolutionary trade-off, but perhaps it's not the one we thought

How did human butts evolve to look that way?

An evolutionary anthropologist tackles the mystery of the butt

How did our ancestors start walking upright?

A newly discovered species of ancient ape could shed light on the origins of human bipedalism

Unexpected gorilla snacking behaviors make scientists question what we know about early humans

Gorillas' eating habits don't match their tooth specializations, raising questions about determining early human diets from fossil records

Bonobos' penchant for aquatic herbs might be why we have such big brains

Iodine promotes brain development, but until now we did not know where our hominin ancestors may have gotten this mineral

Netflix's Our Planet showed walruses in distress. We need to find what humanity's role is

Understanding walrus-human interactions in the past might shed some light on the "walrus scene"

"Skeleton Keys" reveals the secrets hidden inside your bones

Brian Switek's book breathes new life into our understanding of old bones

Humans in South America evolved to live with arsenic poisoning

The toxic environment offers clues to ancient mummies and human evolution

Some spooky Halloween Archaeology facts from Massive Consortium member Darcy Shapiro

These true stories show that archaeology has plenty of terrifying discoveries to share

The history of humanity is written across your smile

'The Tales Teeth Tell' traces the evolution of our teeth into "oral Swiss army knives"

The slap-dash nature of evolution makes entertaining reading

Nathan Lents' new book details the accidental, incidental nature of human quirks

Benjamin Faust / Unsplash