

Inside the complicated, messy world of pet cloning

Biologically, cloning an animal is relatively straightforward. But can a clone ever be exactly like the original beloved pet?

Pets harbor different microbes from their wild relatives

Swapping the diets of wild and domesticated animals could only explain some of the microbial differences

yellow lab lying on the floor next to camo pants

Paw hygiene is no reason to ban assistance dogs from hospitals – they’re cleaner than people’s shoes

Service dogs are no more of a hygiene hazard than people, but are regularly refused entry

Conservation dogs can track individual beavers by the scent of their anal secretions

The dogs' accuracy in telling animals apart using information-packed anal scents will help wildlife management

Dogs can smell silent, deadly cancers before a blood test can

Can doctors learn to detect the volatile compounds that dogs pick up?

Dogs' medical records are helping machine learning researchers track ticks

Text classification turns tick talk into data that even a machine can understand

How humans have shaped the brains of our furry friends

By breeding dogs for specific behaviors, humans have also altered the physical structure of their brains

A dog chewing on the end of a very large bone, from an ostrich.

Dogs excel at sniffing out human illness

Now researchers are trying to build a machine version of the perfect dog nose

Geoff Stearns / Flickr

How dogs are helping us understand human allergies

If your dog has allergies, chances are you do too. Thanks, microbes

Should you let your dog lick your face?

Dogs stick their noses in everything, but many people believe their saliva is beneficial

What can ancient dog poop reveal about an ecosystem?

The poo fossils of a long-extinct species are teaching scientists about nature's past – and possible future