

A new molecule and an under-appreciated neuron have been implicated in Parkinson's disease

Researchers studying Parkinson’s disease pivot from the usual dopamine story and reveal a new mechanism underlying early motor deficits

T. rex walked as slowly as a human, and may have used its tail as a suspension system

In prehistoric times, you could have strolled down the street and chatted with your friendly neighborhood T. rex without even breaking a sweat

Instead of climbing into an MRI machine, a new test asks children to just blink

We can now bypass MRIs and instead use trace eyeblink conditioning to measure brain function

Early diagnosis of Parkinson's is becoming possible, but how early do patients want to know?

Each person's disease journey is different, and an early diagnosis is not necessarily a timely diagnosis

How did our ancestors start walking upright?

A newly discovered species of ancient ape could shed light on the origins of human bipedalism

Produced in partnership with TEDMED

Exosuits can restore mobility in stroke patients and soldiers alike

And they're customizable for different types of bodies, gaits, and speeds

David Hu sells quirky research with an apartment full of snakes

"How To Walk On Water And Climb Up Walls" welcomes readers to the strange world of biolocomotion

Klaus Stiefel  / Flickr

What fish fins can teach us about how humans move

Studying fins could have surprising applications for medicine, engineering, and robotics