I'm a postdoctoral researcher at the University Medical Center Göttingen, in Göttingen, Germany. My research looks at how chemicals preserved in the shells of foraminifera, a type of marine zooplankton, can tell us about the climate of the past. I study this because I care about future climate change, and learning how Earth's climate changed in the past is a valuable tool that lets us predict how its climate will change in the future.

This is how climate change is reshaping the entire planet

The ocean is acidifying, Western Europe will chill, crops will fail, and that's just the start

Melting sea ice gives phytoplankton the space to pump out cloud-forming gasses

With warming temperatures, microscopic plankton are creating big clouds that could further affect Arctic temperatures

Ancient plankton have climate data hidden in their shells

Scientists have discovered a new way to use single-celled plankton to estimate large-scale changes in ocean chemistry

Dario Veronesi / Unsplash

Ancient Romans never reached Greenland, but the emissions from their silver mining did

Ice cores, used to study ancient climates, also contain the history of the Roman Empire

How atmospheric dust might help cool the planet

New research suggests an old idea of geoengineering has more merit than long suspected

To predict the future of Southern California's seas, scientists are looking to the past

The west's dramatic coastlines have masked rising tides, but that doesn’t mean the future is dry