

Produced in partnership with NPR Scicommers

The little mountain rivers that create the Amazon might soon be choked off

Life depends on the minerals and sediment rivers carry down from the Andes

Climate change is toppling tree frogs from rainforest canopies

New research suggests that the position of tree frogs in the tree tops is dynamic and vulnerable to warming temperatures

Protecting forest cover could reduce flood risks

A study highlights the importance of forests to mitigate the effects of natural hazards on mountain infrastructure

Climate change is almost too big a problem to study. The solution? Volcanoes.

Volcanoes blanketed by tropical rainforests are a natural laboratory to study climate change

Hudsӧn / Flickr

Andy Morffew / Flickr

What modern conservationists can learn from humanity's long history with rainforests

There's a growing body of evidence that humans have been modifying tropical forests for over 40,000 years