

Serendipitous data reveals a previously unknown ecosystem under Arctic ice

Fish gas bladders interfere with sonar, and we can use that interference to study Arctic fish stocks

Wild Goffin's cockatoos can use tools, too

Scientists have observed captive cockatoos making tools before, but this is the first documented instance of tool use in wild cockatoos

A human-elephant conflict video game may bolster conservation efforts

The multiplayer game tests conservation strategies for farmers interacting with elephants in Gabon, but its lessons reveal a need for human equity

Feral cats' hunting abilities make them particularly effective predators, even when prey see them

Prey can spot cats more often than other similar predators, but that doesn't save them

Weeding out non-native strawberry guava keeps a flying fox, and the crops it feeds on, out of harm's way

Fruit bats help the trees by dispersing seeds, and the trees help the bats by feeding them. Why not help the bats by helping the trees?

Summits of underwater mountains are prime real estate for fish

Seamounts in Papua New Guinea have nearly twice the biodiversity as nearby shallow reefs

Reintroducing predators doesn't always rebalance ecosystems

The wolves of Yellowstone were a media sensation, but not every environment responds the same way

Mating plugs and other weird butterfly sex habits

Male butterflies want monogamy. Females, not so much.

Tambako / Flickr (CC BY-ND 2.0)

How did the bear cross the road? Wildlife corridor's success caught on video

The important project allows safe movement for even some of the largest mammals in North America

Conservation dogs can track individual beavers by the scent of their anal secretions

The dogs' accuracy in telling animals apart using information-packed anal scents will help wildlife management

Why do some islands have more species than others?

New research on island birds confirms key aspects of a 60-year-old theory

'Hyper urban' coyote genomes are growing apart from their city and rural cousins

Humans’ built environment has consequences even for creatures that seem to thrive in cities