Harvard University

Can the criminal justice system's artificial intelligence ever be truly fair?

Computer programs used in 46 states incorrectly label Black defendants as “high-risk” at twice the rate as white defendants

A potential new treatment for premature aging diseases keeps stem cells fresh longer

The drug helps keep stem cells' telomeres long, preventing them from aging too quickly

Produced in partnership with Grow

What would it be like to grow up as the first mammoth-elephant hybrid?

Meet Greta, the loneliest creature in the world

Hurricanes are shaping lizard feet all over the world

New study shows that lizards evolve and maintain wider toepads to survive hurricane winds

Your brain isn't the same in virtual reality as it is in the real world

VR is widely used to study the brain, but it isn't the same as real life — and this has real-world consequences

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How an undergraduate paper helped launch the cultured meat industry

Inside Isha Datar's 10-year push to make meat without animals a reality

To stop pancreatic cancer from spreading, cut out the chatter

By switching off cell-to-cell communication, researchers turned cancer’s bazooka into a rubber pistol

Produced in partnership with TEDMED

Exosuits can restore mobility in stroke patients and soldiers alike

And they're customizable for different types of bodies, gaits, and speeds

Rear Admiral Amazing Grace Hopper taught computers English

She recorded the first computer bug when a moth got caught in a relay switch

andybient / Flickr

Billionaires are rushing into biotech. Inequality is following them into science

'Free-market philanthropy' raises yet more questions about the future of American public research

Sanofi Pasteur via Flickr

Empathy and bias are more intertwined than we often think

Studying empathy can sometimes seem like a look at how self-involved we are

Can termites teach us to build environmentally friendly communities?

Meet the researchers searching for more climate-friendly architecture

The psychedelic renaissance is here. Will it last this time?

To avoid the mistakes of the past, scientists and society need to open their minds

paper ripping in half with money in the background

Dear Harvard, Berkeley, and MIT: don't patent CRISPR

Everyone should benefit from this once-in-a-lifetime discovery