
computer science

Hedy Lamarr: actress, inventor, wartime code maker

“Any girl can be glamorous. All you have to do is stand still and look stupid”

Produced in partnership with Grow

Our computers are limited by their rock-based architecture

It's time to rethink computing from the ground up and model it on nature's processes

We can't have a future with quantum computers without quantum mechanics

Scientists are building physical platforms for memory, computation, and networking — all things we need for quantum computing to be possible

Produced in partnership with NPR Scicommers

Artificial intelligence isn't very intelligent and won't be any time soon

For all of the recent advances in artificial intelligence, machines still struggle with common sense

Rear Admiral Amazing Grace Hopper taught computers English

She recorded the first computer bug when a moth got caught in a relay switch

With new technology, mind control is no longer science-fiction

We can only transmit basic signals between brains, but we should consider the ethics before moving on to complex thoughts

Meet Ada Lovelace, the world’s first computer programmer

A "prophet of the computer age," she saw the potential for computers outside of pure mathematics