

Distance and our eyes distort the true colors of stars

New research calculates the colors of stars based on their actual energy distributions

How binary stars' planets are born

A new mathematical simulation shows how gas and dust could swirl into planets in dual-star systems

Dust is the surprisingly ordinary culprit behind a supergiant star's unusual dimming

When astronomers observed Betelguese last year, they saw it as far fainter than it should have been

2000-year-old shipwreck will help catch elusive neutrinos traveling from distant supernovae

Scientists say that ancient lead from the Roman ship is better suited than new metal

Meet Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin, who figured out what the universe is made of

Stifled by sexism in Europe, she made foundational discoveries in astronomy after coming to the US

The fight for Mauna Kea and the future of science

Native Hawaiian consortium scientist Sara Kahanamoku redefines science in the shadow of Mauna Kea

Galaxies are eating each other and the Milky Way might be next

Astronomers see a trail of destruction in the patterns of Andromeda's stars.

Meet Vera Rubin, the stargazer who predicted dark matter

From childhood, she preferred 'to stay up and watch the stars than go to sleep'

From helium to relativity, eclipses have a history of producing big finds

Here are multiple ways for you to join in the eclipse science tradition on August 21