

Hallucinating mice could help us understand schizophrenia

Neuroscientists made mice hear things that didn't happen for a rare look into what creates hallucinations in our brains

Some lucid dreamers can answer questions and math problems in their sleep

For the first time, scientists have been able to communicate with people while they are dreaming

Kids can tell if you're smiling under your mask

Study finds that a mask has the same impact as sunglasses on a child's ability to perceive the wearer's emotions

Feeling down or bored? Watching a nature documentary can help!

COVID-19 is making travel impossible, but Netflix-based nature could help your mood

With new technology, mind control is no longer science-fiction

We can only transmit basic signals between brains, but we should consider the ethics before moving on to complex thoughts

Empathy and bias are more intertwined than we often think

Studying empathy can sometimes seem like a look at how self-involved we are