

Nectar robbery by short-tongued bees is throwing off delicate pollination cycles

Nectar-robbing by bees leads to fewer visits by other pollinating insects, impacting flower reproductive success

Bumble bees cut holes in plants' leaves to trigger flowering

This remarkable behavior was discovered during routine observations of bee behavior

Climate change will make allergy sufferers suffer a little bit longer each year

Data from 17 Northern Hemisphere locations indicates that plants are releasing more pollen and for a longer period of time as the globe warms

Forest fires are good for bee populations

Scientists identified twice as many bees at burned sites compared to unburned sites

Think mosquitoes only drink blood? Think again.

Mosquitoes also drink nectar, serving as pollinators for certain types of orchids

Stopping to smell the roses? You're inhaling flower farts

Flowers use little protein motors to expel their fragrances

Most of your favorite flowers are mutants

You'll never look at a rose the same way again.