
science education

Students can learn with their mouths as well as with their eyes and hands

The finding is a win for education accessibility for blind and low-vision students

Has evolution changed? Asking experts how Darwin's theories hold up in modern science

"Reading Darwin even today, one is struck by how effortlessly he 'filled the blanks'"

Museums and summer camps are excluding non-white people

Unbarred by school district lines, informal science education isn't equally accessible

Science games and challenges to pass the time while you are stuck at home

Here are some ways to kill boredom – and contribute to scientific research – while you're doing your part to flatten the curve

TikToks are teaching Generation Z about science

Yes, you can share funny clips on TikTok, but what about communicating science on this platform?

What your teacher thinks of you affects your performance

Instructors' fixed or growth mindsets make a big difference, new study says

Meet Maria Mitchell, the first American to discover a comet

She imagined what potential there would be if women were allowed to pursue something they were passionate about

There was so much more to Rachel Carson beyond 'Silent Spring'

The trained zoologist and a bureaucrat pushed for environmental safety her whole life

Meet Jane Marcet, whose books made science accessible

She recreated her own informal learning process in print, to much success

The furious pace of modern research is creating a gnarly statistics problem

The truth is a needle in an ever-growing haystack. Scientists need better statistical education to find it