

Probiotics, not antibiotics, might be the future of livestock farming

Probiotics are an attractive alternative to longstanding farming practice, and could help us build a better food system

Start-up releases the world's first GMO probiotic

The company claims the probiotic supplement can cure hangovers, but evidence in humans is lacking

💩 The human microbiome

When it comes to the microbiome, one size does not fit all. Before you go recommending one probiotic over another, you might want to read ahead.

gut microbiome

The next therapeutic frontier may be in your gut

Scientists are trying to harness the microbiome for healing

The secret to sounder sleep may be lurking in our guts

New research shows that stressed med students on probiotics got better shut-eye

Scientists are recruiting live bacteria to fight deadly infections

A study in rural India is raising hopes for a future without antibiotics