No more coronavirus takes

Please I'm begging you

Spread the knowledge

Four men sitting around a table arguing.

Photo by Sebastian Herrmann on Unsplash

There is only one story now and I know it by heart. Everybody is telling one variation on it or another. Some of them are the political takes:

A screenshot of the New Republic's front page, with a bunch of coronavirus stories and opinions, on April 3rd, 2020.

Some of them are economic, cultural, economic again, and political again, like at the New York Times:

A collection of New York Times opinion articles about the coronavirus.

Literally as many stories as I could fit into a screenshot

(this isn't even to mention the genre of celebrities announcing their diagnoses like the birth of a royal child:)

At the absolute bottom of the pile, way down in the dirt, is Peggy Noonan's paean to the quintessentially New York experience of death and ruin:

The first paragraph of Peggy Noonan's April 2nd, 2020 op-ed for the Wall Street Journal

NEW YORK *cough cough* NEW YORK

Wall Street Journal

Baby no one does a crisis like New York.

Many of these are from writers and publications I like and admire (not Peggy Noonan). But still! I'm begging! You! No more! Have mercy on me! No more coronavirus takes!

It's a gold rush out there for coronavirus stories, since it's basically all anyone wants to read right now. And yes, writing this is like sending a cease-and-desist letter to a tornado. But please let me vent this gas. 

No more takes. Got coronavirus news? Great, I want to read it. Got coronavirus science? Even better. Got a coronavirus take? Unless you're an epidemiologist or you work on the frontline, I don't care. You don't know anything. No one does. 

I encourage you all to write those stories you've been sitting on for ages. Now's the time. Hell pitch me your story. But if I read the word "coronavirus" one more time I might literally explode, right here in my kitchen, in my pajamas, the way I've always wanted to die.