

Produced in partnership with TEDMED

We should look at healthcare through the lens of love

Public health expert Sandro Galea on why public health should be more founded in compassion

Produced in partnership with TEDMED

AI and machine learning could halve preventable errors in medicine

Researcher Suchi Saria works to bridge the gap between AI solutions and implementation in healthcare

Produced in partnership with TEDMED

Building trust and relationships is key in changing vaccine-hesitant minds

Anthropologist Heidi Larson studies how to stop vaccine misinformation and rumors

Produced in partnership with TEDMED

Ambitious gene editing needs an ambitious pair of scissors

Amit Choudhary speaks about being agnostic to scientific disciplines, and the power of CRISPR/Cas9

Produced in partnership with TEDMED

Exosuits can restore mobility in stroke patients and soldiers alike

And they're customizable for different types of bodies, gaits, and speeds

Produced in partnership with TEDMED

Knowing more about how sneeze droplets spray can help prevent disease

Big and small droplets have different physics and even different pathogenic potential