

Eastern snapping turtles use culverts to hunt migratory herring

Culverts allow fish to move through human-dominated habitats, but they also serve up dinner for clever predators

Produced in partnership with NPR Scicommers

The little mountain rivers that create the Amazon might soon be choked off

Life depends on the minerals and sediment rivers carry down from the Andes

Mapping extreme microbes in the Amazon’s Boiling River

Deep in the Peruvian Amazon, biochemist Rosa Vásquez Espinoza investigates the medicinal properties of microbes flowing in a sacred boiling river

Can AI predict the next big flood before it happens?

Computers are learning from past big ones to point to climate patterns of risk

The iconic Colorado River carries less water, as the climate warms and winter snow disappears

New research quantifies water scarcity in the southwestern USA: expect more drought, with serious socioeconomic consequences