

"Sizzling sticks of molecular dynamite" can cause Parkinson's from inside the body

When our body's repair mechanisms aren't working properly, these molecules roam free and wreak havoc

Shy sea lions may have a better shot at survival than their rambunctious siblings

Shier pups exhibited more variation in their behavior, a sign of an ability to adapt

RelativelyRisky points out the fine print in medical studies

This new Twitter account skewers our misunderstanding of absolute risk

Produced in partnership with NPR Scicommers

"Paraben-free" products aren't safer than anything else

It's unclear if parabens are dangerous, and if they're not being used then some other preservative is

Those few cigarette puffs during adolescence might have altered your brain

Researchers have found that even occasional cigarette use is enough to affect the volume and connectivity of developing brains