

Your brain responds to why you're drinking, not just what you're drinking

Drinking for relief produces a different reaction in the brain than drinking for reward does

Our memories of shared experiences have unique neural signatures

New neuroscience research shows why you do not remember an event the same way as other people who attended do

Rare spindle-shaped neurons from deep inside the brain recorded for the first time

Losing the mysterious cells may lead to Alzheimer's, schizophrenia, or other neurological disorders

Your brain isn't the same in virtual reality as it is in the real world

VR is widely used to study the brain, but it isn't the same as real life — and this has real-world consequences

Lead poisoning hits low-income children harder than their affluent neighbors

Children living in poverty suffer greater cognitive and physical effects from lead exposure than children from richer families, even if they live in the same area

Want to learn how brains go awry? First, we must learn how they work

We set out to make neurons deep in the brain glow bright so we could see their role in vision