

Produced in partnership with NPR Scicommers

The neurons that make fruit flies interested in sex are turned on by song

Fruit flies go so far as to have species specific melodies and chords

Mating plugs and other weird butterfly sex habits

Male butterflies want monogamy. Females, not so much.

Golden-collared manakins change choreography when the environment shifts

These bright yellow birds have elaborate courtship dances. Can they learn to do them differently?

Female capybaras control their own mating destinies

New research shows that they are more choosy about which males they mate with than previously thought

Sexual rivalries are how you evolve antlers, pincers, and tusks

Male-male competition makes animals "horny" as well

Swamp sparrows can guess each other's ages from the sounds of their song

Researchers hand raised a flock of swamp sparrows, and used music playback experiments to see how wild males responded to different songs

Deep-sea creatures are weirder than we ever suspected

Rare anglerfish footage shows glowing fins and parasitic mating