

Some people's immune systems control HIV infections without drugs

"Elite controllers" keep the deadly virus in check, and hide its DNA in a quiet section of the genome.

The sugar in semen makes HIV drugs less effective

High levels of the sugar can obstruct antivirals from linking with viruses

Viruses can infect the brain, hide out for decades, and then cause Viral Parkinsonism

How do you study a disease that takes decades to reveal itself? In this case, scientists used mice, viruses, and a little immunotherapy

Researchers use CRISPR to eliminate HIV in mice, DNA and all

CRISPR is the latest tool adapted from the microbial world to treat infections

Produced in partnership with TEDMED

Researchers are abolishing an ancient epidemic — and trying to prevent the next one before it starts

Using machine learning tools and viral sequences, researchers are trying to better understand disease transmission

Vaccines aren't yet using our immune system's full potential

The most important invention in medicine could save even more lives

Six facts about Gertrude Elion, a legend in drug discovery

She experienced many obstacles, but her perseverance and passion always won

HIV uses camouflage to hide from cell defenses

Viruses are fighting an evolutionary arms race in our DNA

New HIV drugs show a disease under control – for those who can afford them

Even as new therapies raise hopes, diagnoses and costs prevent widespread treatment

A version of this article originally appeared on NPR Scicommers

Can scientists learn from the stock market to eradicate HIV?

HIV is tricky to fight because the virus changes so much. That reminded researchers of something else that fluctuates frequently.