

Foam rolling can help athletes hurdle the post-halftime slump

A new study looks at how this common self-massage technique affects athletic performances

Not an early bird? Don't worry — afternoon workouts could be better for your health

New research found that afternoon exercise provides greater health benefits for some people than a morning workout

Your morning walk, no matter how far, can help you live longer

Science says it's okay if you only get 15 minutes of exercise per day (but the more the better)

Succinate is the key to muscle communication during exercise

A new study examines the complex molecular signaling that happens in your muscles when you move

Skin cells protect their DNA from bumps and bruises with a jello-like response

Cells' responses to microscopic pushes and pulls prevent cancers from forming

Produced in partnership with NPR Scicommers

Day or night, retroreflective and light-up gear can save pedestrians' and cyclists' lives

Flashing headlamps, retroreflective clothing, and gear with LED lights increase invisibility even when car headlights are used

How to stay calm during a pandemic

We all have very valid reasons to be anxious right now. Here's how to keep your anxiety in check

Can exercise counteract the effects of aging on our muscles?

New research is making it seem increasingly likely – to a point