
Drug discovery

Male and female mice form memories of fearful events differently

A drug that blocks memory forming in male mice has a different effect in females

How scientists developed the most popular anesthetic used today, without totally knowing how it works

The "milk of amnesia" is relatively new, and is predated by centuries of weak attempts at pain relief

Tweaked version of failed Alzheimer's disease drug restores memory in mice

The preliminary results suggest the drug may stop — and reverse — some Alzheimer's disease

To stop pancreatic cancer from spreading, cut out the chatter

By switching off cell-to-cell communication, researchers turned cancer’s bazooka into a rubber pistol

Researchers optimized a reaction involving DEAD to reduce chemical waste

The Mitsunobu reaction is key to using alcohols in organic chemistry, but it also generates considerable chemical waste

New HIV drugs show a disease under control – for those who can afford them

Even as new therapies raise hopes, diagnoses and costs prevent widespread treatment

viagra collage

In science, failure can be a blessing. Just look at Viagra

The little blue pill started life as a failed treatment for chest pain

A version of this article originally appeared on NPR Scicommers

Can scientists learn from the stock market to eradicate HIV?

HIV is tricky to fight because the virus changes so much. That reminded researchers of something else that fluctuates frequently.