I am a molecular biologist interested in how DNA and RNA work together in cells. What started as the last question in my Ph.D. dissertation exam - “how would you explain your work to a layman?” - brought me to science communication.

Intestinal roundworm cells eat their own DNA as part of a healthy lifecycle

During their development, DNA off the ends of their chromosomes are chopped off and destroyed

DNA-RNA hybrid molecules keep the very centers of our cells together

Complex arrangements of these molecules keep the molecular machinery in our cells working properly

Scientists discover a gene for scarless skin regeneration

This gene is active in newborn mice and gets turned off as they age

Succinate is the key to muscle communication during exercise

A new study examines the complex molecular signaling that happens in your muscles when you move

How does space travel affect astronaut's chromosomes?

Astronaut study reveals new intricacies of spaceflight radiation's stress on telomere length