There's more than one way to discover a new species

Papers published this year demonstrate the different paths to recognition

Al evitar a los pumas, los ciervos están cambiando la vegetación a su alrededor de forma drástica

El miedo a los humanos influencia el comportamiento de los animales, y esto, a su vez, afecta las plantas que comen

By avoiding pumas, deer are drastically changing the vegetation around them

Animals' behaviors are shaped by fear of humans, and this, in turn, affects the plants they eat

We still don't know much about marijuana farms' effects on wildlife

A new study found that larger animals were less commonly found on cannabis farms as outside them

Los datos producidos por los científicos no llegan a la gente que los necesita

Las barreras de pago y lingüísticas hacen de los resultados científicos algo inaccesible para gestores y residentes

Scientists are producing data without sharing it with people who actually need it

Paywalls and language barriers make results inaccessible for local managers and residents

Carpet pythons are the second-biggest predator of wild koalas

New technology for koala tracking led to this discovery, uncovering a previously unknown ecological relationship between the two species