University of Washington

Polar bear numbers are rising in a once too-frigid Arctic basin

Thick Arctic ice is melting into conditions better suited to life. But the region's warming is trending towards trouble

Your brain adjusts your body's clock according to all the colors of the rainbow

Springing forward for daylight saving time means less blue light, but also light contrasts

A failed Alzheimer's drug stops cancer cells from shedding their coats and hiding from the immune system

A chance reading and a fortuitous overlap between Alzheimer's and multiple myeloma biology gave a failed drug new life

"Poached" takes you into the trenches of wildlife crime

Rachel Love Nuwer explains how and why illegal trade threatens to wipe some of our planet's most charismatic animals off the map forever

With new technology, mind control is no longer science-fiction

We can only transmit basic signals between brains, but we should consider the ethics before moving on to complex thoughts

Simulating evolution helped scientists design a better virus

It sounds like an arcane superpower. It boils down to random mutation and selection

The furious pace of modern research is creating a gnarly statistics problem

The truth is a needle in an ever-growing haystack. Scientists need better statistical education to find it