
Cicadas' shrieks have annoyed — and delighted — humans for thousands of years

Historical records, science, and art from around the world mention their songs

Weeding out non-native strawberry guava keeps a flying fox, and the crops it feeds on, out of harm's way

Fruit bats help the trees by dispersing seeds, and the trees help the bats by feeding them. Why not help the bats by helping the trees?

Reintroducing predators doesn't always rebalance ecosystems

The wolves of Yellowstone were a media sensation, but not every environment responds the same way

Mating plugs and other weird butterfly sex habits

Male butterflies want monogamy. Females, not so much.

How do geese know how to fly south for the winter?

A combination of landscapes, stars, and experience guide the geese & gander migrations

Polar bear numbers are rising in a once too-frigid Arctic basin

Thick Arctic ice is melting into conditions better suited to life. But the region's warming is trending towards trouble

Produced in partnership with NPR Scicommers

The little mountain rivers that create the Amazon might soon be choked off

Life depends on the minerals and sediment rivers carry down from the Andes